Stemmingen in Congo Kinshasa

Elections in Congo-Kinshasa
[Democratic Republic of the Congo]
Political Profile
Political System: Transitional Government
President: Joseph Kabila (PPRD) [since 17 January 2001; succeeded to the presidency following the assassination of his father, Laurent-Désiré Kabila, on 16 January 2001]
Parliament [bicameral]: Senate (120 Seats) Members appointed from various parties to the national power-sharing accord; National Assembly (500 Seats) Members appointed from parties to the intra-Congolese dialogue, namely the former Kinshasa government, the unarmed political opposition, civil society, and former rebel movements.
Political Situation since Independence
1960-1965 Restricted Democratic Practice
1965-1967 Military Regime
1967-1990 One Party State (MPR)
1990-1997 Multiparty Transition
1997-2003 Civil War, National Fragmentation
2003-        Transitional Government
2006 Freedom House Rating: Political Rights – 6, Civil Liberties – 6, Status: Not Free
Next Scheduled Presidential Election: 18 June 2006
Next Scheduled Legislative Election: 18 June 2006
Political Parties: ABAKO – Alliance of the Kongo People, BALUBAKAT – Association of the Luba People of Katanga, CEREA – African Meeting Forum, CONAKAT – Confederation of Katanga Associations, MNC-Kalonji – Congolese National Movement, Kalonji Faction, MNC-Lumumba – Congolese National Movement, Lumumba Faction, MPR – Popular Movement of the Revolution, PNP – National Party of Progress, PPRD – People's Party for Reconstruction and Development, PSA – African Solidarity Party
Coalitions: Congolese National Convention (CONACO) [Contested 1965 Chamber of Representatives Election] CONACO was a loose alliance of forty-nine, primarily southern, parties from among the more than 200 parties that mushroomed into existence to participate in the electoral process

Election Results



Presidential (Single Party): 1970, 1977, 1984


     Multiparty: 1960, 1965

     Single Party: 1970, 1975, 1977, 1982, 1987

Referenda: 1964, 1967, 1973, 2005



11-22 May 1960 Chamber of Representatives Election

Registered Voters  N/A

Total Votes        N/A [Voter Turnout: N/A]


Number of Seats (137)

Congolese National Movement-Lumumba Faction (MNC-Lumumba)


National Party of Progress (PNP)


African Solidarity Party (PSA)


Alliance of the Kongo People (ABAKO)


African Meeting Forum (CEREA)


Confederation of Katanga Associations (CONAKAT)


Congolese National Movement-Kalonji Faction (MNC-Kalonji)


Association of the Luba People of Katanga (BALUBAKAT)





10 July 1964 Constitutional Referendum

Main Points: Presidential Republic, Federal State, Bicameral Legislature

Registered Voters         N/A

Total Votes         2,404,139 [Voter Turnout: N/A]

Invalid/Blank Votes    35,688

Total Valid Votes   2,368,451


Number of Votes

% of Votes

"Yes" Votes



"No" Votes




March-April 1965 Chamber of Representatives Election

Registered Voters  N/A

Total Votes        N/A [Voter Turnout: N/A]


Number of Seats (167)

Congolese National Convention (CONACO)





04-16 June 1967 Constitutional Referendum

Main Points: Presidential Republic, Unitary State, Unicameral Legislature, Legislature elects the President who is then confirmed by referendum, No Presidential Term Limits

Registered Voters  N/A

Total Votes        N/A [Voter Turnout: N/A]


% of Votes

"Yes" Votes


"No" Votes



Single Party Elections

Sole Legal Party: Popular Movement of the Revolution (MPR)

01 November 1970 Presidential Election (Joseph-Désiré Mobutu re-elected unopposed)                                               Registered Voters 10,131,827 [Voter Turnout: N/A]                                      Invalid/Blank Votes          0                                                          Total Valid Votes   10,131,827                                                          Results                        Number of Votes                        % of Votes        "Yes" Votes                      10,131,669                             99.99%          "No" Votes                              158                             00.01%

1970 National Assembly Election

24 June 1973 Constitutional Referendum                                                                                                             Main Points: Presidential Republic, No Presidential Term Limits                                                                                    Registered Voters   673,223                                                              Total Votes             N/A [Voter Turnout: 83.2%]                                       Invalid/Blank Votes     N/A                                                             Total Valid Votes   529,573                                                             Results                        Number of Votes                        % of Votes        "Yes" Votes                        411,272                              77.66%          "No" Votes                         118,301                              22.34%

1975 National Legislative Council Election

October 1977 National Legislative Council Election

03 December 1977 Presidential Election (Mobutu Sese Seko re-elected unopposed)                                                   Registered Voters          N/A                                                          Total Votes         10,694,624 [Voter Turnout: N/A]                                     Invalid/Blank Votes        820                                                          Total Valid Votes   10,693,804                                                          Results                        Number of Votes                        % of Votes        "Yes" Votes                      10,492,497                             98.20%          "No" Votes                          201,557                             01.80%

September 1982 National Legislative Council Election 

July 1984 Presidential Election (Mobutu Sese Seko re-elected unopposed)                                                                 Registered Voters          N/A                                                          Total Votes                N/A [Voter Turnout: N/A]                                     Invalid/Blank Votes        N/A                                                          Total Valid Votes   15,012,078                                                          Results                        Number of Votes                        % of Votes        "Yes" Votes                      14,885,997                             99.16%          "No" Votes                          126,101                             00.84%

06 September 1987 National Legislative Council Election

Note: Joseph-Désiré Mobutu changed his name to Mobutu Sese Seko in 1972.


18-19 December 2005 Constitutional Referendum [Results by Province]

Main Points: A limit of two five-year terms for a president elected by popular vote; Citizenship for members of all ethnic groups living in the country at the time of its independence in 1960; A firm system of checks and balances between the President, the Prime Minister and the Parliament.
Ballot Question: Do you approve of the draft Constitution that is submitted to you?

Registered Voters   25,021,703

Total Votes         15,505,810 [Voter Turnout: 62.0%]

Invalid/Blank Votes    725,735

Total Valid Votes   14,780,075


Number of Votes

% of Votes

"Yes" Votes



"No" Votes





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