06.11.15 Global Witness zoekt campagnevoerder rond DR Congo

The deadline for applications is 20th November at 9am (GMT).
Please find more information here:
•         https://www.globalwitness.org/jobs/campaigner-drc/
•         https://www.globalwitness.org/documents/18109/99_-_Campaigner_-_DRC_Oct_15_final.docx

Global Witness is seeking a highly-motivated and experienced Campaigner to join our campaign to break the links between natural resources, conflict and corruption in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This will involve investigating resource-fuelled corruption and conflict in DRC, carrying out field investigations, writing reports, carrying out advocacy and working with the media.

Billions of dollars’ worth of DRC’s natural resource wealth is siphoned off to benefit a small elite or used by abusive armed groups to fund conflict – rather than invested in much-needed development in the country. Our campaign seeks to expose the players and change the rules of the game by influencing policy within DRC and internationally.

Applicants must have proven campaigning experience that has resulted in policy changes, first-hand experience of field or corporate investigations, excellent verbal and written communication skills. The ability to speak and write in French is essential, and knowledge of the extractive industries and supply chain issues will be an advantage.
Please do circulate widely.
Best regards,
Nat Dyer
Nathaniel Dyer
Campaign Leader, DR Congo
Global Witness
T: +44 (0)20 7492 5855
M: +44 (0)77 11 006 799
W: www.globalwitness.org

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