30.11.10 Journaliste En Danger (Kinshasa): Two Journalists Detained for Reporting Prison Escape
JED affirms the innocence of the two journalists and calls on
provincial authorities to release them immediately and unconditionally.
Yuma and Lumbu were arrested on 28 November at the Likasi prosecutor's office and charged with "breaching state security".
According to JED sources, Yuma gave an interview to Radio France
Internationale (RFI) about a prison break at the Buluwo penitentiary
outside of Likasi on the night of 26 November. Lumbu filed a report on
the break from outside the prison the next day, on 27 November. The
report was never broadcast however, because intelligence officials got
hold of the tape and erased it the same day.
Both men were summoned to the Likasi prosecutor's office on 28
November and questioned at length about the RFI report. They were later
taken into custody and held in detention overnight, where they remained
at press time.
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