03 11 11 Statement by EU High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on the agreement reached in Kimberley Process regarding Marange diamonds
"I welcome the
agreement reached during the Kimberley Process Plenary meeting in Kinshasa as a
way forward for the KP in relation to Marange diamonds from Zimbabwe.
The EU recalls that at
the Intersessional meeting of the KP in Kinshasa in June 2011, no consensus
could be reached on the exports of diamonds from Marange, which was necessary
for these diamonds to be traded under the KP Certification Scheme.
Following the June
meeting, the EU launched an initiative which was aimed at finding consensus
among all KP Members including Zimbabwe and preserve the credibility and
integrity of the process, building on the decision taken at Swakopmund.
After months of
intensive negotiations with all parties, an agreement has now been reached on
the basis of this initiative, which protects the integrity of the KP, respects
the core concerns of Zimbabwe and the EU, recognises the concerns of Civil
Society and meets the expectations of diamond producing and importing
“The EU welcomes in
particular the fact that the agreement includes:
1. A renewed commitment
by Zimbabwe to address outstanding areas of non-compliance so as to ensure
adherence to KP minimum standard for the whole of the Marange area.
2. A credible oversight
mechanism including independent elements (KP monitoring team) that allows for
unrestricted but monitored export of compliant Marange diamonds, with a view to
ensuring that non-compliant Marange diamonds are not traded under the KP
Certification Scheme; and
3. A role for civil
society, in line with the tripartite structure of the KP, in order to provide
transparency on the conditions of KPCS implementation in Marange.
The EU recognises that
this agreement is a positive outcome not only for the KP but also for the people
of Zimbabwe, enhancing transparency so that they can benefit from the revenues
that will derive from the export of their natural resources. The EU urges the
Zimbabwean authorities to honour their commitments without further ado.
The EU will continue to
monitor the situation in the Marange area closely and respond in an appropriate
way to any further developments. This agreement offers the opportunity for the
KP to move forward and for all Participants to work constructively to uphold its
principles and objectives in the future.”