22.10.18 Brussel: seminar & debate: 'Entrepreneurship in Africa: who really profits?' (28 november)

One should ask, who really benefits? Furthermore, what is Europe’s policy in this regard? What kind of entrepreneurship is sustainable?

The University Centre for Development Cooperation (UCOS) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) cordially invite you to this seminar to tackle these complex questions. A variety of high level speakers will defend their vision and debate the issues.

More information on the speakers / register:

Academic staff, students, entrepreneurs and third parties are all welcome!
This seminar is tailor-made for economic and business departments, and an opportunity that they cannot miss, so please share this event amoung interested and relevant parties within your network (faculty of economics, business, management etc).
More info:

Karel Van Miert Gebouw
Pleinlaan 5 – 1050 Brussel
T 02 614 81 63

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