09.02.11 ALDE – Verhofstadt on Kabila: changing the constitution now is unacceptable

Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE Leader, robustly criticized Joseph Kabila at the opening of the ALDEPAC conference in Djibouti today.   Mr Verhostadt
was addressing delegates including the President of Djibouti, MEPs and
MPs from 20 different African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.

I want to express my huge disappointment about the decision that has
just been taken in DR Congo concerning legislation for the Presidential
elections.  It is a disappointment for me personally but also for
Africa.  Four years ago, the people of the Congo elected their President
democratically thus giving him legitimacy.  Millions of citizens waited
for hours in the rain queuing to vote.  They gave Joseph Kabila
democratic legitimacy.  But democracy never guarantees permanent power.
 Democracy gives citizens the power to change.  This possibility to
alternate is at the heart of democracy and our convictions. 

can only but condemn that a President elected by a majority changed the
rules of these elections a few months before the election count.”

Mr Louis Michel, who was also present at the ALDEPAC conference, and who has also spoken out recently on this issue said he shares this point of view unequivocally.

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