11 01 12 Friends of the Congo – 51 Years Later: Fulfilling The Legacy of Patrice Lumumba

This year's commemoration is particularly special because the November 28th elections resulted in the stealing of the vote and the voices of the Congolese people.
Congolese throughout the globe have risen up to reclaim the stolen will
and voices of the Congolese people. Friends of the Congo, Institute for
Policy Studies' Foreign Policy In Focus Project, Africa Faith and
Justice Network, Congo Global Action, Washington Peace Center and others
are rallying in solidarity with Congolese in their pursuit to reclaim
the stolen voices and advance democracy and self-determination in the
heart of Africa.

Join us for a day of demonstration, film screening and teach-in on the
current crisis in the Congo and how you can join the global movement in
support of the sons and daughters of the Congo:

Time and Locations:

4:00 – 6:00 PM – Rally at Lafayette Park (Gathering in front of the White House)

7:00 – 7:30 PM – Screening of Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth

7:30 – 9:00 PM – Teach-in on Congo's 2011 Elections, and how you can become a part of the global movement.

The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

1313 New York Ave., NW

Washington, DC

Click here for directions!


Nita Evele, Congo Global Action

Clarence Lusane,  Associate Professor School of International Service, American University

Carrie Crawford, Chair, Friends of the Congo

For more information call 202-584-6512 or visit www.friendsofthecongo.org.


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