· Asked about the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
the Spokesperson said the airport in Goma is open and flights are taking off.
This is crucial for the humanitarian community for movement of aid staff and
supplies, including food, medical and other relief items. It will also
facilitate access to people in need outside Goma.

· The UN Stabilisation Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) confirms that a delegation of
Congolese officials led by Foreign Minister Tshibanda arrived in Kampala, Uganda,
yesterday for negotiations with the M23.

· Other reports indicate that M23 political
leader Jean-Marie Runiga has also arrived in the Ugandan capital. Talks between
representatives of the two sides are anticipated to begin shortly.

· In answer to a question from yesterday, the
Spokesperson said the support of UN Mission, MONUSCO, to the Armed Forces of
the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) and the Congolese National Police
(PNC), including to the units participating in operations against the M23
rebels in North Kivu., was provided in line
with the mission's Conditionality Policy.

· The mission is investigating reports of
violations of international humanitarian and human rights alleged to have been
committed by FARDC units during the operations against the M23 rebels and has
raised concerns with the senior leadership of the FARDC.

· Speaking generally, if allegations are
substantiated, they are brought to the attention of the DRC Government, with a
request to take corrective measures to prevent the recurrence of such
violations and hold perpetrators accountable.

· Support is suspended or withdrawn if
corrective action is not taken in due time.

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