Histoire – fdc – en
1942 The Belgian Congo, reservoir of the allies (Wauters, Arthur)
The Belgian Congo's contribution to the war effort
London, Pub. for the Belgian Office of Information by Evans Bros.
1943 Belgian Colonial Policy (Vleeschauwer, Albert de)
A revealing pamphlet by the Belgian colonial minister
New York; Belgian Government Information Center
1960 A preliminary report on the atrocities committed by the Congolese army against the white population of the Republic of the Congo before the intervention of the Belgian forces. (Merchiers, L)
Issued soon after independence to justify the Belgian intervention. I don't know if any of its claims were ever verified or not.
Publisher: Belgian Government Information Office, NY
Read MoreBelgian Congo Vol. 1 (1959)
A 500 page overview of the colony, its history, people, government, telecommunications etc, published on the eve of independence
The table of contents has been moved from the back page to the front for the readers benefit
Read More1942 Belgian Congo at War (Belgian Information Center, NY)
A coffee-table book style pamphlet with many photographs.
Read More1938 National parks in the Belgian Congo (Campbell, N; Royon, J M)
Travel guide with black and white photos
Read More1966: Evariste Kimba and three other “plotters” against Mobutu
June 2nd, 2008 Headsman
On this date in 1966, the Congos last civilian Prime Minister and three former cabinet officials “walked unfalteringly to the gallows in the main square”* of Kinshasa and were hanged before a crowd a hundred thousand strong as Lt. Gen. Joseph-Desire Mobutu consolidated his ruinous Zairian dictatorship.
Read More1942 Belgian Africa's total war (Ford, Walter)
Concerns Belgian Congo's economic contribution to the war effort
London, Pub. for the Belgian information Office by Evans Bros
Belgian Congo Volume II (1960)
A statistical overview published just before independence. Very detailed, gives exact location and numbers of the natives, officials and settlers, comprehensive list of newspapers, radio stations, agricultural and industrial output, organization of government, etc. Many maps and diagrams
Author: Office de l'information et des relations publiques pour le Congo belge et le Ruanda-Urundi
Read More2000 An inteview with LD Kabila (Newsweek)
When Friends Become Enemies
Updated: 5:07 PM ET Jan 2, 2008
"The war should continue to liberate the entire country. No Congolese can accept to be under the rule of the Rwandese."–Laurent Kabila
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