Communiques – en
08 11 12 – 2012 Ibrahim Index of African Governance
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Read More07 11 12 New EPLO Statement – Maximising EU Support to the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
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Read More31 10 12 Greenpeaces comment on the statement by the Congolese Minister of the Environment
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Read More11 10 12 English version of the declaration of religious leaders from the LRA affected areas
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Read More09 10 12 Congo-Kinshasa: Greenpeace – International Musicians Give Congolese Youth a Voice to Protect the Rainforest
This morning Greenpeace Africa released a brand new song entitled "Voix de la Forêt" (The Voices of the Forest), which is performed by 11 internationally acclaimed singers from the Congo Basin countries; in a bid to highlight the importance of the world's second largest rain forest, which is under increasing threat from foreign exploitation.
Read More05 10 12 HRW – DR Congo: Awaiting Justice One Year After Ethnic Attack
Survivors Describe Killings of Seven Humanitarian Workers
Read More01 10 12 XSML unlocks the Congo river
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1. On 27 September 2012, I convened a High-Level meeting on eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The meeting was an opportunity for key stakeholders to contribute to national, regional and international efforts aimed at finding a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the crisis in eastern DRC. Participants invited to the meeting were: the Republic of Angola, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Peoples Republic of China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of France, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of India, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Mozambique, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of Congo, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Uganda, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, the Republic of Zambia, the African Union (AU), the European Union (EU), the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), and the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
Read More25 09 12 Congo-Kinshasa: The IFJ Joins Usypac to Call for a Presidential Pardon for Three Journalists
International Federation of Journalists (Brussels)
Press release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined the Central African Press Union (USYPAC in French) to call on DRC President Joseph Kabila to grant presidential pardon for three journalists in prison.
Read More23 09 12 HRW letter to World Bank on Rwanda
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